Avian Flu/H5N1
I dont know about anyone else but by the way this virus is spreading through the bird& cat population,it is a big possibility that it could jump to humans.........then the shit hits the fan and complacency goes out the door.
What about a little self insurance?.From what i understand is that the human permuted virus,would become a pandamic throughout the world in a matter of months,for example a virus reported in Honk Kong would arrive in Sydney within 30/90 days,it would then take another say 90 days for the virus to effect 20/40% of the population.
CHAOS.....hospital breakdown,industry shutdown(people sick/affraid to go to work),infrastructure breakdown.....electricity(extended brown-outs),public transport/road system malfuncion,fire brigade,air lines,public service,commerce markets,communication systems(most of computers rely on electricity and the Telco to keep that operative etc,note that most of it depends on copper wire/fibre optics),ports(import/export),sewerage & water(what are you going to do when the sewer backs/packs up)...drinking water,FOOD(wont be anything Woolworths),petrol/diesel supplies,LAW & ORDER.
Me to black!......What happened in New Orleans?.....what if we are talking about a country,the WORLD.
Apparently if you can isolate your-self from the spreading spittle-bourne virus for the most virulent period say 90 days you may have a good chance of not catching it.
a.Store as much dried food to feed you/your family for 90 days.(Bi-Lo have 10kg bags rice for $12.50...1 bag per week= 1*12=12bags*$12.50=$150...the essence of staying protected).Canned meats,dried meats(dont rely on the refrigerator),anything that can be rehydrated.Food budgeting would be imperative!
b.Store as much drinking water as possible,fill tubs etc,buy now 20*10 liter bottled water ($5)=$100)
c.Have 2plus 9.5kg gas bottles(depending on family size),for cooking and light(remember very limited electricity...but would hazard a guess that all endeavours would be made to make electricity available on a roster/time basis.3 bottles and attachments cost $250.
d.Store 50/100 liters petrol for travel if possible.Cost say $120.
e.Some form of protection/defence because if others know you have got the above they will want it....and kill for it!!!
f.As much TAMIFLU and/or LARENZA you can get.....this would be pretty dobtfull as governments are stockpiling all production?
I hope i am wrong about the above scenario,but hey for less than $1000 you are pro-active in taking some simple insurance for you and your family.....p.s. if we get it wrong you can still use everything(petrol at $10 liter....you have coverd costs!)
What about a little self insurance?.From what i understand is that the human permuted virus,would become a pandamic throughout the world in a matter of months,for example a virus reported in Honk Kong would arrive in Sydney within 30/90 days,it would then take another say 90 days for the virus to effect 20/40% of the population.
CHAOS.....hospital breakdown,industry shutdown(people sick/affraid to go to work),infrastructure breakdown.....electricity(extended brown-outs),public transport/road system malfuncion,fire brigade,air lines,public service,commerce markets,communication systems(most of computers rely on electricity and the Telco to keep that operative etc,note that most of it depends on copper wire/fibre optics),ports(import/export),sewerage & water(what are you going to do when the sewer backs/packs up)...drinking water,FOOD(wont be anything Woolworths),petrol/diesel supplies,LAW & ORDER.
Me to black!......What happened in New Orleans?.....what if we are talking about a country,the WORLD.
Apparently if you can isolate your-self from the spreading spittle-bourne virus for the most virulent period say 90 days you may have a good chance of not catching it.
a.Store as much dried food to feed you/your family for 90 days.(Bi-Lo have 10kg bags rice for $12.50...1 bag per week= 1*12=12bags*$12.50=$150...the essence of staying protected).Canned meats,dried meats(dont rely on the refrigerator),anything that can be rehydrated.Food budgeting would be imperative!
b.Store as much drinking water as possible,fill tubs etc,buy now 20*10 liter bottled water ($5)=$100)
c.Have 2plus 9.5kg gas bottles(depending on family size),for cooking and light(remember very limited electricity...but would hazard a guess that all endeavours would be made to make electricity available on a roster/time basis.3 bottles and attachments cost $250.
d.Store 50/100 liters petrol for travel if possible.Cost say $120.
e.Some form of protection/defence because if others know you have got the above they will want it....and kill for it!!!
f.As much TAMIFLU and/or LARENZA you can get.....this would be pretty dobtfull as governments are stockpiling all production?
I hope i am wrong about the above scenario,but hey for less than $1000 you are pro-active in taking some simple insurance for you and your family.....p.s. if we get it wrong you can still use everything(petrol at $10 liter....you have coverd costs!)
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